Get The Word OUT!
Did you know that over $200,000 of our local tax dollars for schools in MVSD were sent to a Swiss organization last year and that in the coming 3 years that number is projected to rise to $3.1 million? If you did not know this, you were not alone. Most of our neighbors are UNAWARE that the Merrimack Valley School District (NH) has begun the process of turning our children’s education over to a company in Switzerland known as the International Baccalaureate or (IB) Program.
Please attend this year’s annual School District meeting and demand that our children’s education and our tax money remain in the United States.
Check it out yourself by going online to International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) and get the information that we, the taxpayer, have not been given by the school. Take a good look, then come to the meeting March 8, 2012. The vote is at 6 pm and the meeting starts at 7 pm.
I sure hope the TAXPAYERS of the towns within Merrimack Valley School District understand the cost of this new United Nations “educational” programme their School Board Representatives have agreed to fund. Right now $ 9,500 PER SCHOOL per year of your money is being sent to Switzerland. Try to find it in the new budget, though. The school officials will say that the fee is being paid by a Federal Grant so it’s not really “your money”. But do you think that money could have been used for something more beneficial to the kids than a membership fee to the United Nations ?
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Oh Rep. Hill you really hit the nail on the head. You know, the Merrimack Valley School District Administration is writing HUGE checks to the International Baccalaureate Organization for teacher training. Upwards of $75,000!! Can you believe it? This training has been going on since 2009 REALLY? Why weren’t we let in on this?
We have been sent a few ‘smoking guns’ that prove MVSD cannot implement this program without committing to the mission, which is spelled out in a student/parent survey. Education is only mentioned 7th of 10 items to rate… Parents should examine the mission of IB at to find out just what it is the UN hopes to spread by running this program in your schools.
It is becoming more apparent that MVSD bought into this program “BEFORE” fully understanding what the program is. SHAME ON THEM! The Salisbury Education Committee, and others, are being referred to as “loons” and “a bunch of kooks”, basically for asking questions, expressing concerns and presenting actual facts about IB. Some of this childish behavior comes from people elected by us to represent us! Some of this childish behavior comes from those educating our children! So we also question the very devisive nature of this program! We would ask MVSD administrators and elected school board members to please take a step back and actually do “due diligence” before we become “WORLD SCHOOLS”.
Name calling? Who is using the words ‘loons’ and ‘kooks’? How many parents out there start telling their children at 4 years old or younger “Don’t call others names, it isn’t polite. It will hurt their feelings. You wouldn’t want them to call you a bad name.” Ok you are telling me that ADULTS are using those words? In the International Baccalaureate Learner Profile that these ‘ADULTS’ are so SILENTLY promoting, Number 7 on the list is CARING. It says and I quote from the IBO,” CARING: They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.” If you, the namecallers, like IB so much and have already agreed IN WRITING to the ‘beliefs and values of the IBO and all of the ‘programmes’ you have financially supported’, then WHY or better yet HOW could you violate such beliefs by calling people names? You were either elected or hired to represent a population of people who put their trust in you to do what is right FOR ALL OF US and to fully disclose and vet a major education commitment. That is the American Way, that is freedom, and as far as I can see our towns are still governed by the Constitution of both our State and Country.
In the document by the IBO named ‘Making The PYP Happen Pedagogical leadership in a PYP school’ which is freely accessed through the site, it says that ‘The Learner Profile is a reference point for the learning of all within an IB World School, students, and adults…’ so have you aligned yourselves, philosophical beliefs, and values with the IBO like it requires in IBO document Application Procedure for Candidate Schools page 1, Article 3.2. Practice what you preach NAMECALLERS.
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LikeDislikeThe IBO claims that the “community” must be made aware of the program and approve of it. Otherwise if it causes strife among the taxpayers, they want no part of it and will NOT approve the school.
I wonder what they would think if they knew that MVSD has told the “community” that they do NOT intend to follow the mission of IB? Or that they do NOT intend to use IBO’s materials? Classrooms I have seen tell me otherwise.
Seems to me no one has ever heard that their schools would be turned over to the UN to promote the UN’s mission (Millennium Development Goals/Agenda 21/redistribution of the wealth globally through implementation of a “world government”) and that the children would have to become activists to promote those goals and that this is what their education would be about… instead of reading, writing, math and the usual things children learn in grade school.
Not only that, I wonder if the parents knew this would be about promotion of a system other than the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights?