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"I want to make one thing clear. This war against our constitution is not being fought way off in Madagascar or in Mandalay. It is being fought here—in our schools, our colleges, our churches, our women’s clubs. It is being fought with our money, channeled through the State Department. It is being fought twenty-four hours a day—while we remain asleep. How many of you Senators know what the UN is doing to change the teaching of the children in your own home town? The UN is at work there, every day and night, changing the teachers, changing the teaching materials, changing the very words and tones—changing all the essential ideas which we imagine our schools are teaching to our young folks. How in the name of Heaven are we to sit here, approve these programs, appropriate our own people’s money—for such outrageous “orientation” of our own children, and of the men and women who teach our children, in this Nation’s schools?"
-- William Jenner
(1908-1985) U.S. Senator (IN-R)
Source: Congressional Record (1952)
For example in the MYP program (Middle Years Program) the 6th grade textbook for the Humanities class is called Global Issues by Oxford Press. It studies the United Nations Millenium Development Goals extensively over three years. Go to to look at all of the books and reference materials used in IB PYP, MYP and DP courses.
Also look up UN Millenium Development Goals and research 2010 reports. This is what the 6th graders will have for social studies.
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LikeDislikeNote: United Nations is an NGO or “non-governmental organization” made up of many countries including the USA. It is an ‘ad hoc’ organization and not a legitimate part of our ‘government’ and as such, citizens of the USA do not elect our country’s representatives to the body.
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LikeDislikeYeah admin, and the US has stopped funding programs at the UN and UNESCO levels. The UNESCO is upset with the US because we stopped our financial contributions and are not paying our financial ‘dues’. Go to
and look at all of the press releases trying to convince the US to pay into them.
In the November 2, 2011 interview with Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director General, the last paragraph states,”The announced withholding of U.S. dues owed for 2011 will immediately affect our ability to deliver programmes in critical areas: achieving universal education,..”
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LikeDislikeContent is heavy with environmentalistic themes. From a book that is widely used:
“I pledge allegiance to the Earth and all its sacred parts.
Its water, land and living things and all its human hearts.”
– Global Education Associates, The Earth Pledge
Read more quotes from the Agenda 21 movement here:
Green Agenda
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