Thanks to one of our researcher’s diligence, we have proof positive that IB lessons are based on carrying out the wishes of the UN’s MDG:

From the IB syllabus: “The IB Diploma Programme geography syllabus was revamped to reflect the most pressing threats to the future of the planet and the ways in which they can be addressed.

The new syllabus, for which students will first sit exams in 2011, is designed to encompass the United Nations’ millennium development goals, particularly those concerning poverty reduction, gender equality, improvements in health and education, and environmental sustainability.

Students must evaluate progress towards UN goals and take a close look at major global issues including population migration, global warming, biodiversity and resource availability.

The syllabus also offers seven optional themes that increase the subject’s relevance to a modern audience: freshwater issues and conflicts and their coastal margins; extreme environments; hazards and disasters; leisure, sport and tourism; the geography of food and health; and urban environments.” (page 12)