Many people mistakenly think teachers and the Unions are responsible for what and how teachers teach. While Unions present a different set of problems, they have absolutely no input into the curriculum of the schools. Teachers are the most victimized because they must do what their employers tell them or be fired, even if it means going against the political tide in the course of doing a job, which is to educate.

The United States move towards a communist society started with UNESCO (99% percent of UNESCO’s education advisors were Soviet or Eastern European communists) in 1971. The article fails to mention the implementation of a communist polytech school to work education system, birth through death in the USA. (In NH this is called Competency Based Ed) There is no mention of the U.S.-Soviet Education agreements signed by Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev in 1985, no mention of the Carnegie-Soviet Academy of Science Agreement, signed at the same time, which dealt with the use of computers to teach “critical thinking” to EARLY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS.

“Many are concerned that the Common Core Standards, once successfully implemented, will provide unfettered access of our educational system by the United Nations. Some textbooks and curricula for our public schools have already been written by UNESCO and the International Baccalaureate program that is currently in many school districts across the United States. Grabbing additional access is a natural next step. Once they write the curricula, they must have authority to develop all testing tools. They will decide who becomes a teacher and what preparation will be provided for that teacher. The International Baccalaureate curriculum upsets parents and teachers because the focus includes sustainable development, abortion rights, gay marriage, universal disarmament and social justice curricula.

We agree that “The United Nations is creeping into our educational system and not only changing the way our youngest learn academic basics, but challenging family beliefs on American sovereignty, parental rights, and freedom of religion.” This must be stopped if we are to remain a free nation.

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