This is an actual letter to a parent about a required project in grade 4. The child’s assigned subject will be “Poverty”.

(Names of teachers, schools, have been redacted for privacy.)

4th Grade PYP Exhibition

Central Idea: Working together can make a positive difference within communities.
Exhibition date: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 9-11am, 6-8pm

The International Baccalaureate Organization Primary Years Program requires that we hold an annual Exhibition. The children were allowed to brainstorm areas of interest and then placed in groups. Based on their submitted potential topics, the groups have now been assigned what to research. Please retain this information for your further reference. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email your child’s teacher or the PYP Coordinator directly.

The exhibition takes the place of one of our 6 planners. The work for this planner will take place over the next 2 months. Students will meet in their groups with their mentor (an adult staff member or parent) periodically to help guide and structure their research. Students will keep a notebook (school provided) containing all of their work for the exhibition.

Each group member (3-4 kids per group) is responsible for researching the assigned topic. The learning for the exhibition takes place during the process, it does not just show up in the end product or presentation. Evidence of their research must be shown to the teacher and a minimum of 3 types of resources must be used (ie, internet, magazine, book etc.). The majority of work on these projects will take place during the school day. As the actual exhibition approaches, class and group time will increase.

You are your child’s biggest cheerleader! Exhibition can be stressful, especially when we are down to the wire. It is important for you to be knowledgeable about what the students are doing and how they are feeling. Ask questions and make sure they know that you will support them in any way you can. If your child shares concerns with you that you feel need to be communicated to us, please contact us. We want this process to be very meaningful for everyone!

Thank you for all of your support,

TM, MH, KG, & KS
4th grade teachers

PYP Coordinator