Joanne Davis, who says she is a teacher from MVSD (obviously not one of the ones who sought help to combat IB) posted this to FaceBook on May 11 at 6:32 AM:

“Greetings: I am a teacher from MVSD. It was really nice to see how many students showed up at the recent hearing. HB 1403 is just the tip of the iceburg, (sic) though. It is one bill out of many in this state and beyond that challenges public education as we know it. How do you feel about expanding your passion for protecting your quality education in Bedford to advocating for quality public education for all? We could use your passion and energy! There are so many ways to get involved. Here’s one possibility: ”

Clearly sending students to the URL above is ‘electioneering’ and ILLEGAL in NH.
Bills like HB 1403 do NOT attack public education. They seek to remove the political component from what is taught in public education whether it be electioneering at the local, state, federal, or in the case of IB, the international level.